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Cake Pricing Guide

Below is starting prices for each size of cake. Keep in mind that there are multiple factors in pricing a cake. The most common ones people think of are the cost of the ingredients for the cake and icing, but there is so much more that goes into a cake.

Outside of the basic ingredients of the cake and icing there is the food coloring and flavorings. Let's not forget about the TIME it takes to mix, bake, decorate, and (my least favorite part) the clean up of dishes. The more colors requested the more time of mixing those colors to the perfect hue. A more intricate design will take much more time to come to life as well. There is also the upkeep of the mixers and oven and fridge and utensils and mixing bowls. And when it comes from a home bakery, like Rosie's, there is of course love and care added to each cake.

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